Tuesday 30 September 2014

Revamp Your Child’s Playtime With Bubble Guppy Toys

Kid’s toys have evolved over centuries from twig and fabric dolls to high-tech devices and innumerable varieties and types of toys. Earlier toys were gender centric and the options were limited. But today the world of marketing has changed the toy industry.

Bubble Guppies is a television series meant for preschool children and is aired on Nickelodeon. The series portrays the life and the many underwater adventures of several merperson preschoolers. The characters live in a fictional underwater world of Bubbletucky. It’s quite popular among kids, so much so that it has started creating waves in the toy industry.

You will find all kinds of bubble guppy toys and merchandise in the market that is making kids go gaga and putting parents in a tizzy. These toys are made of safe materials for your child. There is so much to choose from since the range of toys and merchandise is endless.

Bath Toys

Children have a short attention span and need constant distractions. Present them with bubbleguppy bath toys and plushies to keep them entertained while you bathe them. These toys come in a variety of shapes and designs and will keep children entertained giving parents enough time to wash and dress them up. These bath toys are made out of harmless materials so it’s ok if your child chews it or puts it in their mouth. The toys are water-proof and the quality of the toys is exceptionally good.

Plush Toys

Plushies and soft toys are safer compared to toys made of other materials since children are clumsy and prone to accidents. Plush toys are soft and do not harm your kids in any way since it’s made of child-friendly material. There are no materials within the toy that could harm your child while they are tugging, pulling and biting the toys. Some plush toys have faulty parts that come off when the kids are playing with it.  

Educational Toys

Today kids are addicted to television and the computer and have forgotten how to spend their time constructively. Bubble Guppy toys manufacture toys that tune your child’s cognitive and motor skills. This is a great way for your child to learn while they play. Toys of these kinds are educational and teach stuff rather than just being uncreative. There are many building set toys that will enhance your child’s learning ability.    


Other than these toys, Bubble Guppy also manufactures several other products that are both functional and visually appealing. They manufacture stationery, books, room décor, musical instruments and other stuff that your kids might find appealing. Investing in these products ensures that both kids and parents are happy. You can decorate your kid’s room with cupboards and other room décor items.

Toys will never be out of demand as long as children’s love for toys stays. Bubble guppy toys are ideal for your child since they are fun but they also keep in mind the safety factor when manufacturing these toys. To know more about the amazing choices and varieties of toys, visit www.bubbleguppiestoy.com.

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